very good. useful.
very good. useful.
Very easy to use; very clear for each menu!
Nice!!! Its a must have for girls!
Such an amazing app for controlling weight
Awesome! I love it!!!!!!
really good
Easy to use
good and useful,Nice nutrition info,easy to use!
有些地方不太满意。比如估算食物以iPhone 做参照是个很聪明的办法。但是iPhone 4s-6+ 尺寸大小差的很多啊
Great app, better surface transition and clarity with the new updates
This App is very good if you commit to keeping fit and losing weight and all that healthy stuff about your body. I LIKE IT
Been using this app on and off for the past three years. Pretty good if you know Chinese.
减肥中给了我很大帮助 可以查体重曲线什么的 但是小基数减肥真的很辛苦 努力了半天才47kg tot 目标是43 努力
一打开软件,是一个「提示」的蓝色框弹出,内容是关于瘦身的小贴士。可是一直弹,也进不去软件其他页面,都弹出100来条了也不停。关闭软件后,连后台都关闭了也没用。把软件删除了,通知栏还是在不断弹出,最后强制关机重启才停下来。 我是iPhone4s的用户,系统是iso6.1.3 希望能够得到解决
Very useful,very nice
I love it. But it can be better if it supports different time zone.